Center for Security Policy Studies

Professor Hamner’s Recent Selected Publications

“Treason, Stupidity, or Cowardice’: The Union Defeat at Ball’s Bluff and the Formation of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War.” Virginia Civil War Sesquicentennial Conference, Spring 2014.

“‘Of Course You’ll Be Scared’: Changing Attitudes toward Combat Fear in the U.S. Army from the Civil War to World War II.” Society for Military History Annual Meeting, Spring 2012.

“‘An Act of Charity’: Benefits for Widows and Orphans in the Files of the Early War Department, 1784-1800.” Society for Military History Annual Meeting, Spring 2010.

“Teaching the ‘New’ Military History: New Subjects, New Techniques.” National History Education Clearinghouse, American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Winter 2010.

“Taking Documentary Editing Online: Launching the Papers of the War Department Website,” Association for Documentary Editing Annual Meeting, Fall 2009.