Center for Security Policy Studies

Professor Correa-Cabrera’s Recent Selected Publications

Los Zetas Inc.: Criminal Corporation, Energy and Civil War in Mexico [University of Texas Press, August 2017].

Democracy in “Two Mexicos”: Political Institutions in Oaxaca and Nuevo León. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2013).

Book Chapters
“Militarización y Violencia en Tamaulipas.” In Raúl Benítez Manaut and Sergio Augayo Quezada, eds., Atlas de la Seguridad y la Defensa de México 2016. Mexico City: CASEDE and Instituto Belisario Domínguez del Senado de la República (2017): pp. 181-190.

“Participación Ciudadana y Seguridad en la Frontera Norte de México: Un Balance de las Experiencias.” In Socorro Arzaluz and Arturo Zárate Ruiz, eds., Frontera Norte y Ciudadanía ante la Encrucijada de la Inseguridad. Mexico City: Colegio de la Frontera Norte (2017): pp. 219-238.

“La “Tregua” con la Juventud Perdida de El Salvador.” In Virginia Ilescas and Mario Cortés Larrinaga, eds., Perspectivas, Retos y Propuestas para la Integración de la Política Pública Dirigida hacia los Jóvenes en México. La Paz, Baja California: Universidad del Istmo, Tecnológico Nacional de México, and Instituto Tecnológico de La Paz (2017): pp. 87-98.

“Research Methods and Experiences on the Eastern Border (Tamaulipas-Texas): Paramilitarization of Organized Crime, Extreme Violence and Social Media.” In Tony Payan and Consuelo Pequeño, eds., The Art of Research: Methods and Experiences in Crossborder Contexts. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ)/Eón (2017) [Forthcoming].

“Seguridad, Estado de Derecho y Reforma Energética en México” (co-authored with Tony Payan). In Tony Payan and Stephen Zamora, eds. El Estado de Derecho y la Reforma Energética. Mexico City: Tirant Lo Blanch México (2016): pp. 403-434.

“Migración Indocumentada, Crimen Organizado y Trata de Personas a lo Largo de la Frontera Este México-Estados Unidos” (co-authored with Jennifer Bryson Clark). In Werner Mackenbach and Günther Maihold, eds., Globalización, Migración, Convivencia. Perspectivas de Centroamérica y México. San José, Costa Rica: Editorial Jade (2015): pp. 39-51.

“Bilingual College Education at UTB: Improving Student Success in the Rio Grande Valley” (co-authored with Oralia de los Reyes). In Milo Kearney, Anthony Knopp, Antonio Zavaleta, and Thomas Daniel Knight, eds. Yet More Studies in Rio Grande Valley History (Vol. 13). Brownsville, Texas: University of Texas at Brownsville (2015): pp. 339-359.

“Women and Violence on the ‘Forgotten’ Border.” In Milo Kearney, Anthony Knopp, and Antonio Zavaleta, eds. Still More Studies in Rio Grande Valley History (Vol. 12). Brownsville, Texas: University of Texas at Brownsville (2014): pp. 233-254.

“Drug Wars, Social Networks and the Right to Information: Informal Media as Freedom of the Press in Northern Mexico” (co-authored with Jose Nava). In Tony Payan, Kathleen Staudt, and Z. Anthony Kruszewski, eds., A War that Can’t Be Won: Binational Perspectives on the War on Drugs. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press (2013): pp. 96-118.

“Violencia en el Noreste Mexicano. El Caso Tamaulipas: Estado, Sociedad y Crimen Organizado.” In Vicente Sánchez Munguía, ed., Violencia e Inseguridad en los Estados Fronterizos del Norte de México en la Primera Década del Siglo XX1. Puebla, Puebla: Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (2013): pp. 139-162.

“Las Fuentes de Financiamiento como Determinantes de la Transformación del Modelo Económico en México (1940-1998)” (co-authored with Gerardo Jacobs and Vicente Cell). In Mauricio de Miranda, ed., Reforma Económica y Cambio Social en América Latina y el Caribe. Cuatro Casos de Estudio: Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, México. Bogotá, Colombia: TM Editores, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali (November 2000): pp. 96-140.

Edited Collections
Special issue of the Journal of Borderlands Studies (co-edited with Kathleen Staudt): The Multiple U.S.-Mexico Borders. Volume 29, Issue 4, 2014.



“Re-victimizing Trafficked Migrant Women: The Southern Border Plan and Mexico’s Anti-trafficking Legislation.” Eurasia Border Review 8:1 (2017): pp. 55-70.

“Citizen Journalism: From Thomas in Boston to Twitter in Tamaulipas: A Case Study” (co-authored with Ruth Ann Ragland and María Machuca). The Journal of Social Media in Society 5:3 (2016): pp. 283-315.

“Workers, Parties and a “New Deal:” A Comparative Analysis of Corporatist Alliances in Mexico and the United States, 1910-1940” (co-authored with Ruth Ann Ragland). Labor History 57:3 (2016): pp. 323-346.

“U.S. Drug Policy and Supply Side Strategies: Assessing Effectiveness and Results” (co-authored with Michelle Keck). Norteamérica CISAN-UNAM 10:2 (July-December 2015): pp. 47-67.

“Inequalities and Global Flows in Mexico’s Northeastern Border: The Effects of Migration, Commerce, Hydrocarbons, and Transnational Organized Crime.” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 40:3 (Autumn 2015): pp. 326-350.

“Losing the Monopoly of Violence: The State, a Drug War, and the Paramilitarization of Organized Crime in Mexico (2007-2010)” (co-authored with Michelle Keck and Jose Nava). State Crime Journal 4:1 (2015): pp. 77-95.

“Violence on the “Forgotten” Border: Mexico’s Drug War, the State, and Paramilitarization of Organized Crime in Tamaulipas in a ‘New Democratic Era’”. Journal of Borderlands Studies 29:4 (2014): pp. 419-433.

“An Introduction to the Multiple U.S.-Mexico Borders” (co-authored with Kathleen Staudt). Journal of Borderlands Studies 29:4 (2014): pp. 385-390.

“The Phenomenology of Perception and Fear: Security and the Reality of the U.S.-Mexico Border” (co-authored with Terence Garrett). Journal of Borderlands Studies 29:2 (2014): pp. 243-255.

“Seguridad y Migración en las Dos Fronteras de México: Diagnóstico y Recomendaciones de Política y Cooperación Regional.” Revista Migración y Desarrollo 12:22 (First semester 2014): pp. 147-171.

“Administrative Surveillance and Fear: Implications for U.S.-Mexico Border Relations and Governance” (co-authored with Terence Garrett and Michelle Keck). European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 96 (April 2014): pp. 35-53.

“Desarrollo Empresarial, Inversión Extranjera y Crimen Organizado en México: Los Efectos Reales de la Violencia (2006-2010).” Panorama Socioeconómico 31:46 (July 2013): pp. 25-36.

“The Spectacle of Drug Violence: American Public Discourse, Media and Border Enforcement in the Texas-Tamaulipas Border Region during Drug War Times.” Norteamérica CISAN-UNAM 7:2 (July-December 2012): pp. 199-220.

“Security, Migration, and the Economy in the Texas-Tamaulipas Border Region: The ‘Real’ Effects of Mexico’s Drug War.” Politics & Policy 41:1 (February 2013): pp. 65-82.

“Mexico’s Economic Dilemmas and Democratic Challenges in an Era of Reform.” Latin American Politics and Society 54:4 (Winter 2012): pp. 179-188.

“The Mathematics of Mexico-U.S. Migration and U.S. Immigration Policy,” co-authored with Miriam Rojas-Arenaza. Policy Studies 33:4 (July 2012): pp. 297-312.

“Political Cohesion in Northern Mexico: The Case of Nuevo León (1994-2006).” The Journal of South Texas 25:1 (Spring 2012): pp. 4-39.

“Political Factionalism in Southern Mexico: The Case of Oaxaca (2000-2006).” The Journal of Politics in Latin America 4:1 (2012): pp. 73-106.

Non peer-reviewed

“New Forms of Crime and Violence in the Americas: Human Trafficking, Transnational Organized Crime and Migration in Central America and Mexico.” Hemisphere 26 (Summer 2017): pp. 32-33.

“Crimen, Corrupción y Pérdida del Monopolio de la Violencia en Honduras: Reflexiones y Apuntes de Viaje a San Pedro Sula, Choloma, El Progreso y la Ceiba.” Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center (July 2017).

“La Peligrosa Trayectoria de la Niñez Migrante hacia Estados Unidos.” Seguridad y Sociedad 6:14 (December 2016): pp. 8-13.

“Rhetoric, Policy and Reality: U.S. Border Security and Migration Reform.” Voices of Mexico 99 (Spring-Summer 2015): pp. 11-13.

“Militarización y Seguridad Ciudadana en Tamaulipas: Dilemas de la Sociedad Civil y Límites a la Participación Ciudadana en una Entidad donde el Estado Perdió el Monopolio de la Violencia.” In Taller sobre Seguridad Ciudadana en México. Monterrey, Nuevo León: Woodrow Wilson Center, CAF – Development Bank of Latin America, and Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (October 2014).

“Violence and Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico: The Economic Impact of the ‘War against Drugs’.” Voices of Mexico 96 (Autumn 2013): pp. 17-22.

“A Business Perspective on Violence and Organized Crime.” Voices of Mexico 94 (Autumn 2012): pp. 19-22.

“La Vuelta en ‘U’ de la Transición Mexicana: Los Límites de la Democracia Electoral a Diez Años de la Alternancia.” Revista Folios 4:24 (Autumn 2011): pp. 74-80.

“El Actual Modelo de Desarrollo: Orígenes y Perspectivas” (co-authored with Gerardo Jacobs). Bien Común y Gobierno 23 (July 2000): pp. 13-26.