Monograph Launches

In November CSPS launched its monograph series with, “Terror Vanquished: The Italian Approach to Defeating Terrorism” by Simon Clark. The event included a discussion with Paul R. Pillar, moderated by Ellen Laipson, Director, CSPS.

That monograph was quickly followed by “A Question of Time: Enhancing Taiwan’s Conventional Deterrence Posture” by Michael Hunzeker and Alexander Lanoszka, hosted by the Stimson Center.
Kaliningrad Crisis Simulation – October 27, 2018
Expert facilitators from the U.S. Army War College joined us to stage a simulation that explores a fictional clash between Russia and NATO over the former’s right of access to the Kaliningrad district across the Baltic States and Poland. Participants took on the role of a state or composite actor in a potential conflict in Northeastern Europe. Each participant team has its own specific objectives and guidelines for action.
The Asian Century: What Does It Mean for the United States?
Center for Security Policy Studies (CSPS) had its inaugural annual international security conference “The Asian Century What Does It Mean for the United States?” on September 7, 2018. The event was held from 8.30 am to 2.30 pm at the Arlington campus of George Mason University, Founders Hall, Room 134 (Auditorium), 3351 Fairfax Drive, Arlington VA. Topics addressed were: the major trends defining Asia’s future, regional hotspots and U.S. responses, and the larger, long-term challenges for U.S. national security. Keynote addresses from Prof. Aaron Friedberg (Princeton University) and Adm. Dennis Blair (former PACOM Commander and former Director of National Intelligence) bookended the day.
The conference report and video can be found here.
HBO’s Documentary Viewing “The Final Year”- May 10th, 2018
Event is OPEN to the public.
THE FINAL YEAR is a unique insiders’ account of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy team during their last year in office. Featuring unprecedented access inside the White House and State Department, THE FINAL YEAR offers an uncompromising view of the inner workings of the Obama Administration as they prepare to leave power after eight years. The cast is comprised of Barack Obama, John Kerry, Samantha Power, Ben Rhodes, and Susan Rice. The screening was followed by a Q&A with Rumana Ahmed, former Senior Advisor to Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes; Sergio Aguirre, Former Chief of Staff to U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Former White House NSC Director; as well as Desiree Barnes, communications and public engagement strategist for former U.S. President Barack Obama. The event took place in Founders Hall 134 between 6:00pm- 9:00pm.
Staff Ride – Antietam – April 28th, 2018

A limited number of graduate students experienced a rigorous staff ride at the site of the costliest one-day battle in the entire history of the United States. Participating students had the opportunity to research and consult with experts to explore the decisions of individual leaders on the very terrain where they were made in 1862. 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM, transportation provided to/from Founders Hall, Schar School of Policy and Government (Map) and Antietam National Battlefield.
Drones and U.S. Foreign Policy- April 20th, 2018

Rachel Stohl, Managing Director of the Stimson Center’s Conventional Defense Program, joined the Center for Security Policy Studies (CSPS) as the final Distinguished Speaker of the semester on Friday, April 20th from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm in Founders Hall Room 113 (Arlington Campus).
NATO and the Future of the International Order – April 18, 2018
The Center for Security Policy Studies (CSPS) on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 from 12:00 noon-2:00 pm in Founders Hall, Room 120 hosted an event wherein Schar School of Policy and Government faculty Professor Colin Dueck and Ambassador Richard Kauzlarich- debate the future of NATO.