Center for Security Policy Studies

Women and Congress Scholarship

The deadline for this event is February 19, 2016


Seminar Dates | March 14 – 18, 2016

Walk the halls of Capitol Hill and learn from women leaders

College women considering careers in policy will learn about the legislative process in Washington, DC and explore hot-button issues on the Hill. This seminar exposes students to a range of professional opportunities in and related to Congress, from lobbying to working on a Senate or House Committee. See the Women & Congress Seminar 2013 Agenda.

Create a professional network: In five days, students considering a career in policy or politics will learn from women who work on the Hill every day. Speakers include senior to mid-level women professionals, as well as women who are just launching their Washington, DC. careers.

Develop your professional skills: Practice your interview skills, perfect your salary negotiation skills, and review your resume during our various professional development workshops. Cultivate your networking skills at our annual Mentor Awards program, held during our Women and Congress seminar.

Become a leader: Learn about leadership skills, goal-setting, and work-life balance from women who excel in political and policy fields. Make connections with student leaders from across the country who will become your future colleagues in Washington, DC.

Click here to register!